Gae Signs and Visual it is specialized in the production, sale and distribution of mailboxes for the exterior and interior, records of the condominium, individual boxes, bulletin boards, plates outside of the gate, mailbox advertising and port objects.
Mailboxes Gae Signs and Visual are suitable for any type of installation and available in many variations of colour and composition, capable of satisfying all the needs. Our assortment offers the ideal solution for the collection of the correspondence of private homes, condominiums, offices, and businesses.
All of our mailboxes from interior and exterior are designed and manufactured to the highest standards and quality materials, so that the mail of our customers remains intact and does not suffer any damage of any nature, even if the records are directly exposed to the weather.
We use only the profiles in extruded aluminum for greater strength and durability, all of our products are long lasting and maintain their technical characteristics.
The plates outside of the gate are communication tools that are essential to the professionals, both public and private. In a short space and with elegance, identify offices and its staff, but can also be used to provide directional signage.
Our offer includes:
- Mailbox from outside
- Boxes within
- Boxes with intercom
- Boxes recessed
- Boxes for fence
- Cassettes multiple
- Mailbox magazine
- Doors withdrawal
- Double-sided
- Brass
- Plaques